One Journey Ends; Another Begins

Has it really been a whole week? So surreal.
It’s Monday, 6:00 am. At exactly this time a week ago, Eric drifted off in our arms; peacefully leaving this world for a better one. And, for once, even though I’ve had ample time to think about it, I am at a loss for words. I started typing at 02:00am – pouring my heart out about how empty my heart and house feels. But wait – this site has never been about negativity. Eric never felt sorry for himself – so neither should we who miss him.

It was hard, yet heartwarming – to see the outpouring of love on Thursday and Friday. Former teachers – neighbours – so many friends; old and new –  and of course family (who appreciate your support more than you can possibly imagine – both over the past week and past two years).

When first creating this website, we had a clear goal in mind. Obviously, we didn’t achieve that goal in it’s entirety. However, our trips to MD Anderson in Texas – made possible by everyone who’s travelled this journey with us – were by no means a failure. ‘You have not failed until you stop trying’. Because of your generosity, Eric benefited from a chemo protocol that (locally) was unheard of (as was his rare cancer; Fibrolamellar). This treatment plan gave Eric a bit more time with us, and more importantly; the gift of hope. Eric did not cry for himself – but more than once, he was moved to tears by the tremendous support he received.

We were all blessed to have witnessed such determination and courage. And we can honour Eric’s memory by never taking life – or those we love – for granted.

Thank you all – for your support, kindness, generosity and prayers.
And thank you Eric – for enriching our lives with your beautiful spirit.
You will live on in our hearts forever sweet angel.
In Eric’s memory, a donation will be made to the Fibrolamellar Foundation (details to follow).